Frequent Hair Loss You May Lack 6 Nutrition

Frequent Hair Loss You May Lack 6 Nutrition 2

Our hair falls out every day. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, but some people suffer from severe hair loss. The hair falls out faster than the growth rate, which leads to baldness.

Although does not affect health, the image of a person is still relatively large, so no one is willing to lose hair. However, the problem of hair loss has always plagued people. There are many reasons for hair loss, such as genetic factors, high mental stress, endocrine disorders, malnutrition, and so on.

But here mainly talk about nutritional hair loss, that is, caused by improper diet.

Some people’s is actually related to the lack of some nutrients in the body, but people don’t know it well and don’t pay attention to it, which leads to the occurrence of hair loss and even worsens the formation of hair loss. Therefore, paying attention to supplementing these nutrients in daily life is helpful to prevent and delay hair loss.

Supplement 6 nutrients to help relieve

1. Vitamin B

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B vitamins are very helpful to the health of our hair. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, and B12 in B vitamins can promote hair growth, delay the formation of white hair, and make hair more healthy.

In particular, vitamin B6 is helpful for preventing and delaying hair loss. It can promote blood circulation, promote blood flow in the head, and promote the synthesis of head fat and fatty acids, which can help prevent seborrheic hair loss.

Foods rich in B vitamins include animal liver, egg yolk, fish meat, pork, milk, cereals, beans, peanuts, walnuts, and more. Foods rich in vitamin B6 include chicken, fish, corn, animal liver, and wheat.

2. Vitamin D

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Vitamin D can promote the growth, differentiation, and regulation of immune function of skin cells, and is conducive to the normal growth of hair, making the hair tough, rather than too thin and soft.

Vitamin D is generally not easy to lack, and the body can synthesize it when exposed to the sun. Its main food comes from marine fish, animal liver, egg yolk, cod liver oil, and so on.

Therefore, do not want to make your body lack vitamin D. In addition to eating more foods, you must also pay attention to the sun.

3. Vitamin A

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Vitamin A can regulate the secretion of sebum, can make hair follicles healthy, and make the skin not too rough, and vitamin A can prevent excessive dandruff and dry hair.

Foods rich in vitamin A are mainly carrots, broccoli, animal livers, spinach and so on.

However, it should be noted that excessive intake of vitamin A may cause hair loss. However, this phenomenon is reversible, as long as the intake does not exceed the standard, it will improve.

4. Vitamin E

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Vitamin E is an important antioxidant, which can help delay aging, resist hair aging, promote cell division, and promote hair growth, so it is helpful to prevent and delay hair loss.

Vitamin E is very common in life, you can choose to eat or smear, both can play a role in preventing hair loss.

When washing your hair, mixing vitamin E to wash your hair is helpful for hair health.

Foods rich in vitamin E include lean meat, milk, eggs, sesame, nuts, vegetable oils, cereals, wheat germ, and more.


Frequent Hair Loss You May Lack 6 Nutrition 7

Iron is a very important trace element in the human body and is involved in the composition of red blood cells in our body. Of course, iron has a great effect on hair health.

If iron is lacking, hair growth will become slower, it will affect the synthesis of keratin, it is easy to form diffuse hair loss, and severely it will cause alopecia areata and large area hair loss.

Therefore, pay attention to the supplement of iron in normal times. Common foods are pig blood, pork liver, fish meat, egg yolk, kelp, fungus and so on.

6. High-quality protein

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The main component of our hair is protein. If there is a small amount of protein intake in daily life, especially eating high-quality protein, it will seriously affect the health of our hair, easily make hair dry, easy to break, thin and easy to fall off etc.

Therefore, if you don’t want to lose hair and want healthy hair, then you should pay attention to protein supplement, especially high-quality protein, to prevent and delay and ensure the health of your hair.

Foods rich in high-quality protein are mainly fish, milk, beans, soy products, etc. It is recommended that meat protein be selected from fish meat, and plant protein selected from soybean and soy products.

4 behaviors that exacerbate hair loss

Although there are many factors for hair loss, some behaviors will directly aggravate the occurrence of hair loss, so pay attention to it in daily life.

1. Stay up all night

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The effects of staying up late on the body are all-round, and naturally include our hair. Relevant survey data show that the morning and night of falling asleep every day have an important relationship with hair loss. People who stay up late often have worse hair loss than those who stay up late. This is because staying up late makes the organs not rested, and the skin and hair follicles not rested, which can easily lead to hair loss. Therefore, if you don’t want to exacerbate your hair loss and want to have this healthy and thick hair, then stay up late.

2. Excessive mental stress

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At present, people’s life pressure and work pressure are relatively large, which will torture us on a spiritual level.

When mental stress is high, nerve functions will be disturbed, and capillaries will be in a contracted state for a long time, making it difficult for the hair follicles to get sufficient blood supply, and the hair will not be nourished, which will easily lead to hair loss.

Therefore, you must learn to release stress in normal times, and do not allow yourself to be under excessive pressure for a long time, otherwise it will be easy to lose hair and become bald.

3. Smoking and drinking

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Some research studies have shown that people who smoke and drink for a long time are prone to hair loss.

Because smoking and drinking can stimulate the hair follicles, affect the blood circulation of capillaries, and easily lead to endocrine disorders, which can induce hair loss.

Therefore, if you do not want to exacerbate your hair loss, it is better to smoke and drink less.

4. Love to eat greasy and spicy food

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Greasy and spicy foods can stimulate the hair follicles. When the diet is too greasy and irritating, it will increase the secretion of sebaceous glands, which will easily block the hair follicles and eventually cause hair follicles to shrink and cause hair loss.

Therefore, you should always pay attention to the lightness of your diet, do not want hair loss, and do not want to exacerbate the symptoms of hair loss. It is best to stay away from greasy and spicy food.

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