Choose the New Best Hairstyle According to Your Face Shape: For Men

Gentlemen welcome to “The Stylish Gent”. In this video, you will get to know how to “Choose the BEST NEW HAIRSTYLE according to your FACE SHAPE!”Like your clothes, haircuts aren’t one-size-fits-all. Head shape and structure are the most important factors for finding hairstyles for men according to face shape. But one thing that most of the men always forget is their “Hair Texture” which is going to decide which hairstyle your hair will accept! No hard and fast rule. Just some simple and basic rule to keep in mind! And trust me you will look so damnn handsome.
Luckily, our guide to finding the perfect men’s hairstyles for your face shape will show you the best ways to enhance your finest features. Whether you have an oval, round, square or triangle face shape, check out our easy guide to get the latest hairstyles for men! So let’s begin!

Are you round, square, oval or triangle?
Stop messing your hairstyle. Okay!
Time to identify it and choose the best new hairstyle for yourself
Gentlemen, one of the most popular questions
of all time regarding hair is “what type
of men’s haircut should I get?”
Now various videos & websites cover this information,
but often they do NOT take everything into account.
In this video, we will not only talk about
the best hairstyle according to your face
shape but also one more important factor that
matters a lot when choosing the right hairstyle. No hard and fast rule.
Just some simple and basic rule to keep in mind!
And trust me you will look so damnn handsome.
So gentlemen welcome to “The Stylish gent”.
Here coming the best way to “Choose the best hairstyle for yourself!”
The first most important factor when choosing
the right haircut is our face shape.
Now, I believe that there are mainly four
types of face shape: Round, Square, Oval, and Triangle.
Different hairstyles suit different face shapes better.
But wait how to determine what our face shape is!
You’ll need to figure out what your face shape is, before choosing a new best hairstyle.
Just a simple trick to find your face shape.
Follow these simple steps:
Here you’ll need a mirror, a hair band, and a marker.
Pull your hair back with a hair band.
Now closing your one eye and keeping your
head still, trace the outline of your head onto the mirror with a marker.
The resulting drawing in front of you will
reflect either a square, triangle, round, or oval shape.

Round faces are equal in length and width,
and in the jawline, there are no sharp corners or defining edges.
Here the goal is to make such an illusion
so that your face shape doesn’t look rounder anymore.
To create the illusion that the face is longer,
consider hairstyles that are short on the
sides but add height or volume on the top. Is this Okay? NO!
The best hairstyles for round faces include
undercuts and high fades coupled with pompadours,
quiffs, and long textured comb-over.
These hairstyles look amazing in a round-faced man.
And if you come in the category of round-faced
men then beard is not necessary for you. Moving to the next one.

Square faces also have a similar length and
width measurements like round faces – the
only difference is the angle of the jaw is angular and sharper.
So sharp that you can cut fruits using your jaw.
Because of its versatility, defining features
and well-proportioned shape, squares have the luxury to enjoy almost all hairstyles.
So the best haircuts for square faces range
from really short haircuts, such as buzz cuts
or crew cuts, to longer hairstyles that add
some volume to the top, such as brush ups,
quiffs, a pompadour, long comb-over, and traditional slick backs.
Square faced-men may grow some light facial
hair to soften the sharpness of the chin and jawline.

An oval face has soft angles or corners near
the forehead, cheeks, and chin.
This is a type of face shape that I have!
Because of their symmetry and balance, we
are lucky to rock almost any hairstyle, including
fades and undercuts with comb-over, quiffs,
pompadours, etc.
Something you need to avoid here is the fringe
style that could cover your forehead and make
your face appear rounder which you actually don’t want.
Here facial hair and beards are also optional
for guys with oval faces.
Because of the softness and smoothness of
the jawline, you can go clean-shaven.
Now it’s my personal suggestion and requests
to avoid the super short hair on the sides
otherwise your face will look even longer than it actually is!
Remember the more super short on the side
the longer your face will look like.
So hands up if your face length is longer than the width.
Yeah, hands up! No super short on the sides.

If you have a pointy chin and jaw significantly
wider than your cheekbones – you have a
TRIANGLE face shape.
To offset the smaller forehead and create
symmetry, the ideal haircut for guys with
triangle face shapes is to avoid short fades
on the sides and try medium-length textured
hairstyles on top, such as comb-over, swept
bangs, angular fringes, etc.
Now again men with angular, sharp chin and
jaw may consider growing some facial hair
to bring some softness on their face.
But try to avoid full beard if you have a triangle face.
No full beard, but my moustache is my love.
The second most important factor when choosing
the right haircut is your hair texture.
I know not everybody knows this, but this
is the important factor which is going to
decide which hairstyle your hair will accept! Let’s go in detail!
Basically, there are 4 types of hair texture:
Wavy hair | Curly hair | Straight, coarse
hair | Straight, thin hair.
And 5th STUPID hair which never listens to me!
Wavy hair tends to look best with most haircuts
cause it has volume, movement, and flow that enhances any style.
Men with wavy hair can try different hairstyle to find the right one.
And if you wish to wear it long, it’ll probably look amazing.
Straight, thick hair- Here one of the benefits
of is lots of hair to work with so that you can add a good volume to your hair.
can be coarse in ways that make
it harder to control. But the right cut and style eliminate these issues.
Also, use a lot of conditioners to make it
softer and easier to play with.
Straight, thin hair- Most of the men experience
major hair thinning by the time they’re
50, and also there are men who have naturally thin fine hair.
So don’t be worry in this case.
Fortunately for you, there are plenty of men’s hairstyles for thin hair.
It’s simply a matter of getting the best
haircut and then styling your hair.
Some best hairstyle for thin hair includes this.
Or you can simply search on google “Men’s
Hairstyle for thin hair” and then get the one you love!
Curly hair- If you have curly hair and you
think that curly hair doesn’t have much style option.
Then you are probably wrong gentlemen.
Curly hair can look absolutely great as an
edgier version of the undercut.
Some other best hairstyle includes this.
Or again just search on google for more options.
Some hair types work with certain hairstyles and some don’t.
Try to choose a hairstyle that goes well with your hair texture.
Let’s be honest with your hair.
You cannot always use the huge amount of hair
product to style your hair in the way you want.
Also don’t try to do the exact copy of any
celebrity, model or your friends.
Truth is Its almost impossible to get the exact copy.
So better go and get a good haircut that you love.
Because at the end of the day what matters is how you feel about your haircut.

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