5 Causes Of Baldness In Males

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As men grow older, their hair will gradually become thinner. In the middle age, many men appear bald, which greatly affects the appearance of men. At the same time, this may also have a direct relationship with men’s physical health. So the specific reasons need to be further studied, and how to improve.

What causes men with baldness?

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1. Life is stressful

When men reach middle age, they not only need to support their families, but also need to take care of their parents. They must work more seriously at ordinary times, and economic pressure cannot be underestimated. Excessive stress on life will affect men’s nerves and will always be in a state of tension. Then it will cause hair loss. As time goes by, the hair will fall too fast and become bald.

2. Heredity

Baldness also accounts for some genetic causes. Some parents have thin hair, so their children usually lose a little more hair than others, and men will appear bald earlier.

3. Excessive perm dyeing

Perm dyed hair has become a fashion, and men’s perm dyed hair has become the norm. However, excessive perm dye will damage the hair roots. After the damaged hair roots fall off, it may no longer grow hair or grow long. The hair that comes out is too soft and can easily cause balding.

4. Malnutrition

Hair can only be black and bright only if it gets nutrition from the body. The reason that hair is thin and bald may be caused by malnutrition. If the body cannot provide the nutrients needed for the hair, the properties of the hair will change, the color will develop to yellow, and it will become thinner. Males with baldness are also one of the reasons.

5. Abnormal secretion of oil in the head

Excessive secretion of oil from the head usually makes men unable to grow hair because of excessive secretion of oil, which can block hair root follicles, and some roots cannot produce hair, which naturally becomes bald.

What to do if the man is bald

First, reasonable

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It is easy for men to neglect the maintenance of their hair, because men usually have short hair even if they have a large amount of hair, which can be taken care of quickly. In fact, reasonable and hair care can help men bald later. An important step in hair care is to comb your hair. Even short hair should be combed once in the morning, midnight and night. In this way, it can promote the growth of hair roots and blood circulation in the head.

Second, a reasonable diet

There is baldness in men, so you should pay a little attention to your diet. Don’t eat too much greasy food, it is easy to make people secrete too much oil.

5 Causes Of Baldness In Males

Third, keep your mood happy

Having a happy mental state can make boys temporarily forget the long-term stress, relax the nerves, and eliminate tension can also reduce men’s hair loss.

Although men reach a certain age, there will be baldness due to metabolism and the aging of certain organs, but if some bad habits can be improved, the balding process of men can be slowed down.

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